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How to interact with Legal Assist Ai Chat Assistants

How to use Legal Assist AI Chat Assistant

Discover how to use Legal Assist AI Chat Assistant effectively with this step-by-step guide. Learn how to access the AI Chat feature, and input your questions or requests. follow this guide to maximize the benefits of Legal Assist AI

Go to

1. Click “AI Chat”

Navigate to the AI Chat feature by clicking on “AI Chat”.

Click 'AI Chat'

2. Click to open the Legal Assistant

Click to open The Legal Chat Assistant

Click to open the Legal Assistant

3. Click “Enter your question here…”

Click on the input field labeled “Enter your question here…”.

Click 'Enter your question here...'

4. Question: “How can you help me”

Ask Legal Assist AI how can you help me

Question: 'How can you help me'

5. Results will show here

Legal Assist A i will respond with a list of ways the system can improve your workflow

Results will show here

6. Click “Enter question what is your focus…”

“Ask what is your focus?”

Click 'Enter question what is your focus...'

7. Legal Assist AI Focus Results

Legal Assist will respond with it’s area of focus

Legal Assist AI Focus Results

8. Question: “Can you summarize Texas vs. Johnson”

Let’s do some legal research. Ask to summarize a past legal case Texas vs. Johnson

Question: 'Can you summarize Texas vs. Johnson'

9. Case summarized Results

The results will display in the chat window

Case summarized Results

In this guide, you learned how to effectively use Legal Assist AI Chat Assistant. By following the step-by-step instructions, you were able to navigate the dashboard, access the AI Chat feature, and input your questions or requests. Implementing this knowledge will optimize your experience with Legal Assist AI.

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